Welcome to our submissions page!
We read fiction, nonfiction, and poetry and would love to look at yours. If submitting a piece to The Scribbler is something you would be interested in, then go ahead and email your work to and we will take a look!
Our student staff reads the work "blindly." This means we don't know who you are when we initially read your work. Our advisor, Mrs. Mercado, is the only one with access to the email and gives us copies without student names attached.
Include the title and genre (fiction, nonfiction, poetry, opinion) in the subject line of your email and make sure to do so at the top of your document as well. No name. Please attach your work as a Word or Google document.
If we decide to publish your work and you would like to remain anonymous, let us know.
The Scribbler does not publish everything that is submitted. We are looking for pieces that have clearly gone through the writing process. Draft, revise, and edit carefully. We are not looking for perfection and are willing to work with you on minor issues, but it should be clear that you have put a lot of time into making the piece publishable.
Write on, Sabers!