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Tyson Spicer

"Pink Out" Bella Burken
Am I truly gone? You can still picture me, can’t you?
My brown hair, my dark eyes. Every curve of my body,
Every freckle on my face.
You don’t?
That’s a shame.
I assume you remember the day. My empty home.
The attic door open. A rope. A fallen chair.
The look on your face.
I still feel guilty for that.
I never meant to hurt you.
Don’t think it’s your fault.
I just had to go.
It was all too much for me.
I couldn’t stay here.
But for you to just sit there, wasting away.
Stop it.
I can’t bear to watch you fall apart.
All over me.
To lose your faith in life over the absence of mine.
You might as well be dead yourself.
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