Funny how things change
Wyatt Wegener

"Old Days" Taylor Veach
You are sitting on the porch having a laugh
When you see grandma with a smile, it makes you happy
Looking around and everything being so small
The porch, the trees, the barn–even the deer on the wall
It all used to seem so big
Quietness fills the air now
Before laughter, conversation and fun was abundant
Grandparents are older
Grandkids are busier
No time for the ol’ grandparents anymore
A visit to them will make their week
Funny how things change
Go back ten years
Back when things were simple
You are in your grandparents’ yard
Looking around at nature
Watching life happen
Everything is so large and vast
Not caring about anything else in the world
Just a young kid with a big world in front of them
Funny how things change
A nip in the air
Leaves falling
Walking down by the lake
Still and calm
A light fog is cast over the water
Swirls from a fish grow throughout the lake
The birds chirping a loud and peaceful song
A glance at the rope swing
Remembering the fun times during hot summer days
Funny how things change
The screen door squeaks open
Grandpa walks out
Dressed to fish
He walks by you
Headed to the dock
The smell of old fish and fresh bacon linger
He steps into the boat
Yells, “you coming?”
Running to the dock, the dew wets your shoes
The shaking of the dock rattles the metal boat
Always fishing with grandpa every chance you got
Funny how things change
“You ready?” grandpa said
Your ball cap turned backwards, you nod your head
The boat fires up and lurches into gear
The ripples behind the boat grow bigger
As the boat seamlessly glides over the water
You come to grandpa’s secret spot
The words, “can you hand me the worms?”
Come from your mouth
Right as grandpa casts he says,
“Your legs broke… get them yourself”
You stand up quickly, excited to fish
The boat wobbles and you fall on the worms
“God damn it!”
Both of you look at each other and crack up laughing
Funny how things change
Later that evening, as the sun sets on the place
The whole family sits on the porch
Grandpa eagerly struts up the hill from the dock
“How are you guys doing?”
Everyone responds, “good”
Grandpa doesn’t take but two steps on the porch
“That’s my chair”
You stand up; he sits down
“While you’re up, will you get me one?”
Pointing to the fridge next to the screen door
You grab a beer and shake it up without him seeing
You toss it gingerly, acting as if nothing happened
KACHHHH went the can
Grandpa’s face is covered in beer foam, he yells,
“God damn it”
Everyone starts dying laughing
These things should never change