The Spider
Yana Sperry
"Beauty With Light In the Darkest Night" Emma Brown
A spider is something people are scared of
Bringing the sense of panic in some
But this spider, many won’t notice him
Due to his small stature, the size of a pinhead
There’s much unknown about him
Where is he from?
How did he end up on this specific green plant in a big, big world?
But all he does is stare back at me with eight round eyes
He continues to sit and observe what’s around him
Keeping to himself
Just staying on his own path, spinning his web
Bracing himself against the breeze that blows
Threatening to ruin the life he built for himself
Many things could take his life away in the blink of an eye
From the squirrels trampling through the underbrush
To someone haphazardly walking by
To the rain pouring from the sky above
Most things are unaware of this spider
But the spider knows he’s there
He's living for himself
No one else